22nd JULY 2018Life Anchors Leslie D'souza and Thomas Lobo animating the leaders of Christ the King Parish, Borivali East on the Parish Vision on 22nd July 2018.
Life Anchors Leslie D'souza and Thomas Lobo were invited by Fr. Terrence Murray, the Parish Priest of Christ the King Parish, Borivali East to engage the key leaders of the parish in a process of discernment and discovery of their potential to make a difference to the parish community. A plan was formulated to put this process into action resulting in an introductory session on Revisiting the Parish Vision on 22nd July 2018. Around 80 parish leaders enthusiastically participated in the 3 hour programme which focussed on channelizing the potential capabilities of the group into concrete tangible initiatives that would enliven, enrich and cater to the myriad needs of the parish.
Leslie began by leading the group through a process of reflection on memories and stories that the participants shared with one another on how empowered they were by the spirit of Christ as part of their long struggle to build the church.which eventually resulted in the identification of key common themes to develop a positive core that then formed the basis for the formulation in groups of key strategic pastoral initiatives that the group identified as a felt need in the parish.
The vibrant activity was interspersed with a video presentation and inputs from Thomas on the Archdiocesan vision statement and how the community can effectively harmonize the various parish vision elements to create a structure of community reach out activities.
The follow up plan is to categorize these needs into key areas of action with the formation of empowered project teams with project leaders to prepare short and long term actions.
The LA team would then engage these leaders going forward to support them in ensuring that the action plans are implemented and help in building a community that truly loves, cares and shares.